What is PPE’S (Personal Protective Equipment’s) ?

Types of PPE’S

•PPE is equipment worn by workers to minimize exposure to specific occupational hazards including physical, electrical, heat, chemical, biological and airborne hazards.

•PPE cannot eliminate hazard, but can reduce the risk of injury.

•It act as barrier between hazard and person to minimize the exposure; hence reduce the adverse health effect.

“Third line of defense”

Do not eliminate ‘hazard’;

Do not even stop the accident;

Only help in avoiding or minimizing injury.

So what is the need of PPE’s ? if it only

helps in

avoiding and minimizing risk.

-In industry, when we face any problem we try to solve it by  –

-Engineering revision,

-Modern technology,


-Guarding the hazard,.. etc…but  along with these we need 

“ Personal Protective Equipment” i.e. P.P.E., which protects the operator, but remember, This is the last resort.

-Sometime when other control measures are not possible, PPE is the only OPTION which may take care of Health & safety of the workers.

What are the Consequences if Not used


•   Injury

•   Deafness

•   Diseases

•   Disability

•   Fatality

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