All About Scaffolding

3. Standard/Post: It serve as the vertical support members that carry the load of the scaffold or a vertical tube that carries the weight of the scaffold.

Indian Standards:

  • IS 3696 (Part 1): 1987 – Safety Code for Scaffolds it stated that standards must be capable of supporting the working load with enough safety margin especially for bamboo or steel scaffolds.
  • IS 2750: 1964 specification for steel scaffolding.
  • IS 1161:2014 – steel tubes for structural Purpose.
  • IS 4014 (Part 1 & 2): 1967– code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding ( scaffold standards are 48.3 mm in outer diameter (OD) with thickness of 3.2 mm

International Standards:

  • EN 12811 (European Standard) – Temporary Works Equipment: Standard tube diameter is 48.3 mm OD, thickness 3.2 mm(heavy duty)
  • BS 1139 (British Standard) -Metal Scaffolding: Its dimensions 48.3 mm OD, wall thickness 3.2 mm(Heavy duty) or 4 mm (extra heavy duty).
  • OSHA 29 CFR 1926.451 (US)– Scaffolding requirement: Scaffolds must support at least 4 times the maximum intended load.
  • ISO 10721-2 -Steel Structures: Likewise EN 12811.
  • Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS 1576)– Scaffolding: Minimum diameter 48.3 mm

4. Ledgers / Runner : It is a horizontal component of a scaffolding system that connects vertical standards and provide lateral support or It is horizontal scaffold tube that extended from post to post and support the bearers. For Working Platform, ledgers are typically spaced at 2.0-2.5 meters vertically and follow indian and international standards same as Post/Standards given above.

5. Transom/ Bearer: Horizontal component support the platform and span between ledgers, it provide stability and support decking or planks and spacing between is 1.2 – 2.5 meters (depending on load) where as bearer is also do some work but it often use for heavy duty support or formwork and spacing between depend on load requirement if load are heavier than it place it closer.

And follow Indian and International Standards same as Post/Standards given above.

6. Planks: It is very crucial components of a scaffolding its provide a safe annd stable working platform for workers.

Indian Standards: Follow above given standards.

  • Material specifications:
    • Wooden Planks : Seasoned Hardwood it should be free from knots or defects.
    • Steel Planks
    • Dimensions: thickness is 38 mm for wooden and 3 mm for steel planks, length depend upon design of scaffold.

International Standards

  • Material Specifications:
    • Wooden Planks: Thickness is 38 mm width is 225-250 mm.
    • steel Planks: 230-250 mm wide, with a 1.2-2.5 mm thickness
    • Aluminum planks: widths is 200 – 300 mm

7. Coupler: It is essential components in scaffolding system this coupler used to connect tubes, transoms and other structural elements.

Types of Coupler:

  1. Right Angle Coupler (Fixed Coupler)
    • Purpose: It is used to connect 2 scaffold tubes at 90 Degrees.
    • Usage: use to connect ledgers to standards and transoms to ledgers.
    • Standards:
      • IS 2750(India)
      • BS EN 74-1:2005(international)
  2. Swivel coupler
    • Purpose: Connect 2 tubes at any angel for diagonal bracing.
    • Usage: securing diagonal bracing
    • Standards:
      • IS 2750
      • BS EN 74-1:2005
      • OSHA 29 CFR 1926.451
  3. Sleeve Coupler
    • Purpose: Connect 2 Scaffold tubes end to end.
    • Usage: Extends the length of scaffold tubes.
    • Standards:
      • BS EN 74-1
      • IS 2750
      • OSHA 1926.451

Additional Coupler Types

  1. Putlog coupler: connects a scaffold tube to a transom.
  2. Gravlock Coupler: Connects scaffold tubes to steel beams.
  3. Girder Coupler: Attaches scaffold to steel griders.
  4. Board retaining coupler: secures scaffold boards to prevent movement.

8. Bracing: Bracing is critical component of scaffolding, ensuring stability, Load distribution and resistance to lateral forces( wind, worker’s movement, etc.)

  1. Cross Bracing (x-Bracing):
    • Purpose: Prevent scaffold swaying and ensure vertical stability
    • Position: Connect or installed diagonally between scaffold uprights. Often secured with swivel couplers.
  2. Ledger Bracing ( Longitudinal bracing )
    • Purpose: Strengthens the scaffold lengthwise, preventing collapse due to horizontal forces.
    • Position: Runs diagonally along scaffold ledgers. Often secured with right angle couplers.
  3. Transverse Bracing ( face Bracing):
    • position: Provides front to back stability.
    • Position: installed between scaffolds bays, connect ledger and transoms.
  4. D Plan Bracing ( Horizontal Bracing ):
    • Purpose:Preventing twisting of the scaffolding structure.
    • Position: Fixed on the top platform level and intermediate levels. Often fixed with swivel couplers.
  5. Tie Bracing (Wall Ties):
    • Purpose: installed scaffold to the building or structure for additional support.
    • Position: Installed at every 4 meters vertically and 6 meters horizonatally.
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