All About Scaffolding

8.Ladder: Scaffold ladder gives safe access to different levels of a scaffold to the worker to move in scaffold safely.

Types of ladders used in scaffold

  1. Hook on ladder: This ladder hook scaffold rungs or ledgers for secure attachement.
    • Standards: IS 3696, OSHA 1926.1053, BS EN 131
  2. Stairway Ladder: Used in high rise Scaffolding or where frequent movement is required.
    • Standards: IS 4014, BS EN 12811, OSHA 1926.1052
  3. Portable Extension Ladder: Secured with clamps or ties, leaned against the scaffold and must extend at least 1 meter above the working platform.
    • Standards: IS 4567, OSHA 1926.1053, BS EN 131.
  4. Built in ladder ( H Frame Scaffolding): This ladder scaffolding pre fabricated in the H frames
    • Standards: BS EN 12810, OSHA 1926.451

Scaffold Ladder Safety Points:

  • Ladder angle must be 4:1 ratio or 0.25 m base distance : 1 m rise.
  • If Ladder is over 2 m in height than handrails must required.
  • Ladder must be securely tie to prevent slipping.
  • Extension ladder must be extend above 3 feet or 1 m above the platform.
  • Ladder must support at least 250kg weight.
  • Rungs should have grip surfaces or anti slip treads.
  • Use guardrails or self closing gates at entry points.
  • Space between rungs is between 250-300 mm as per IS and OSHA

9. Scaffold Tag: A scaffold tag is color coded tag used to indicate the status of a scaffold.

Types of scaffold tags

  1. Green tags – “Safe for use”
    • It show it is inspected and safe to use
    • It should be displayed at entry point
    • It should mentions:
      • Inspection date and Next due date.
      • Inspector’s name and signature.
      • Load Capacity.
    • Standards: OSHA 1926.451, IS 3696, BS EN 12811
  2. Yellow Tag -“Caution/In Progress”
    • It show it is incomplete or under maintenance.
    • It is used for ongoing work, modification or re-inspection.
    • Standards: OSHA 1926.451, IS 4014, BS EN 12811
  3. Red Tag – “Do Not Use”
    • It show it is not to safe for use.
    • When to use incase of missing guardrails, bracing , or planks.
    • Standards: OSHA 1926.451, IS 2750, BS EN 12811

10. Top Rail: Top Rail purpose is to prevents worker from falling off the scaffold.

  • Height Should be 950-1200 mm (3.1 – 4 ft) Above the platform.
  • Standards IS 3696 (Part 2), OSHA 1926.451(g), BS EN 13374

11. Mid Rail: Mid rail purpose is to fill the gap between top rail and platform, preventing slips and tool falls.

  • Height should be 450- 600 mm ( 1.5 – 2 ft) from the platform.
  • Standards IS 4014, OSHA 1926.451(g), BS EN 13374

12. Toe Board: Toe board purpose is to prevent tools, materials and debris falling from scaffold.

  • Height should be at least 150 mm (6 inches).
  • Standards: IS 3696 (part 2), OSHA 1926.452 (h), BS EN 13374

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