Lets Learn some basic term of EHS

What is Safety ?

•safety is a Condition of being safe

•Which Minimizing risk to the acceptable level

•Safety is a Condition which gives freedom from Hazard, risk & accident which may cause injury

Safety is Process of hazard & risk minimization by applying common sense with technical and legal aspects

Hazard & Risk

This one is very confusing for most of the people so let me explain for you difference between Hazards and Risk

see above picture for more clarification

in simple word, hazard is something which can cause you harm.

Hazard:- Potential to cause harm to Environment, person or property

Hazard:-Hazard is a source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill-health, or a combination of these.


•In simple word, Risk is Exposure to hazard

and there is formula of risk which used in HIRA (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment)

•Risk = Probability X Severity


Accident: An unplanned, undesired event, resulting in injury or damage to property and interrupts the activity in process.


Incident:  An undesired event that had potential to cause personal harm or other damage (a near-miss or near-hit)

Unsafe Act (unsafe work practice)

It is any violation of (or departure from) an accepted norm or correct procedure or practice.

Unsafe Act

Unsafe Condition

It is a physical or mechanical condition or circumstance that permits, or is likely to cause, an accident.


•The degree to which a substance can harm humans, Environment and other species


Acute :-A single exposure to a toxic substance which may result in severe biological harm or death; acute exposures are usually characterized as lasting no longer than a day.


Chronic :-Continuous exposure to a toxicant over an extended period of time, often measured in months or years

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