Confined Space safety and its precautions
What is Confined Space ?
A confined space is a small area. It has one entry and exit, allowing only one person to enter and exit.
For example: Water tank , Pipe line, Lift or Lift shaft, Storage tank and etc.

Confined space entry procedure.
Identification of confined space
Maintain a register of all identified confined spaces at your workplace. Label them with prominent signs. This prevents unauthorized access.
Inform and Train Employees
Inform employees of all confined spaces in the workplace. Ensure they are trained on the hazards. Conduct risk assessments prior to working in confined spaces.
Control Measures – Pre-entry
Do not enter confined spaces
Do not enter or put your head
into a confined space unless authorized.

Prevent unauthorized entry
Prevent unauthorized workers from entering
confined spaces by placing barriers and warning
signs and post endorsed entry permits at the
entrances of confined spaces
Log out and tag out (LOTO)
Use Lock out and tag out on hazardous equipment in a confined space.
Test for hazards
Test for atmospheric hazards in the following order: oxygen, flammable gases, and toxic or corrosive gases. Allow employees to observe the testing.
Permit to Work:
- Get Confined space work permit and it should include :
- Date & time of entry
- Purpose of entry
- Hazards & control measures
- Authorized personnel details
Atmospheric Testing
Before entry use gas detector to measure oxygen, toxic gases and flammable gases Such as:
- Oxygen: 19.5% – 23.5%
- flammable gases (LEL) should be below 10%
- Toxic gases such as H2S, CO, NH3 and etc
Ventilation & Purging
- Use mechanical ventilation – blower or exhaust fans
- Purge flammable/toxic gases- Inert gases or fresh air.
Rescue plan & Emergency Equipment:
- Assign a trained rescue team with retrieval equipment such as tripod, winch and lifeline.
- At the entry point must be present standby person.
- Always make ready and nearby keep first aid kits, breathing apparatus and emergency alarms.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Provide worker to wear full body harness with lifeline.
- Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) make ready if required
- Provide fire-resistant clothing, gloves, helmet, googles and safety shoes as per requirement.
Control measures – During work
De-Contamination & cleaning
- Remove or clean contaminate, chemical spills or hazardous and dispose of waste materials as per state or country guidelines
Final Atmospheric test
- Do the final gas testing to confirm safe conditions to removing equipment
Equipment check
- Inspect and store respiratory equipment ppe and gas detectors and report any faulty or damaged equipment for maintainance.
Permit closure and documents
- Close the permit after verifying work done and keep record of any any incidents or near miss or safety violations for future safety improvements.
- Follows confined space safety standards IS 14489, OSHA 1910.146, BS 6164