Safety Interview Question & Answer
What Is Safety ?
It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risks, accident which may cause injury, damage and loss to material or property damage and even death.
Safety is defined as freedom from those condition that can cause injury to persons, including death or damage to property or environment.
What Is Accident ?
It is an unexpected or unplanned event which may or may not result in injury, damage or property loss or death.
What Is Injury ?
It is defined as a harmful condition sustained by the body as a result of an accident.
What Is Hazard ?
Inherent property of a substance or an occurrence which has potential to cause loss or damage property, person or environment.
Any condition, Source, or act which have the potential to damage and harm human injury and health or both
What Is Risk?
In probability of the realization of the potential for loss, damage, or injury.