Safety Interview Question & Answer

What  is Electricity?

Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge.  It is a secondary energy source which means that we get it from the conversion of other sources of energy,  like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources.

What  is DC and AC current?

Direct current (DC)  is the flow of electric charge in only one direction.  It is the steady state of a constant•voltage circuit.  Most well-known  applications

Alternating current (AC)  is the flow  of electric charge that periodically  reverses direction.  If the source varies periodically, particularly the circuit is known as an alternating current circuit.  Examples include the commercial and residential  power that serves so many of our needs.

What Is Sand  Blasting?

The process of removing rust dust, dirt, scales and old prints from the old surface using compressed air is called sand  blasting.

What  Is Painting?

Painting is a visual art that involves applying paint, pigment, or color to a solid surface, usually with a brush. The surface is called the “matrix” or “support”.

What  Is LEL? (Lower Exposure Limit)

The minimum  concentration of vapor, gasses and dust in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a  source of ignition  is called LEL.

Example:  LEL of Acetylene is 2.5

The three basic principles for this tutorial can be explained using electrons

•    Voltag

•    Curren

•    Resistance is a material’s tendency to resist the flow of charge (current).

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