What is PPE’S (Personal Protective Equipment’s) ?

PPE is equipment worn by workers to minimize exposure to specific occupational hazards including physical, electrical, heat, chemical, biological and airborne hazards.

PPE cannot eliminate hazard, but can reduce the risk of injury.

•It act as barrier between hazard and person to minimize the exposure; hence reduce the adverse health effect.

Need of Respiratory PPE

•Respiration is the act of inhaling fresh air into the lungs and exhaling CO2. This process cannot be hold for long time.

•Nose, mouth, upper throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi (all air passages) and the lungs where oxygen is passed into the blood and carbon dioxide expelled, are the respiratory organs that form the respiratory system.

Respiratory PPE are required to protect respiratory organ and their normal functioning.

Respiratory Hazards

•Oxygen deficiency

•Gaseous contaminants

-Immediately dangerous to life

-Not immediately dangerous to life

•Toxic contaminants

•Fibrosis –producing dust

Nuisance dust

Respiratory System

When Respirators are needed..?

•In oxygen-deficient atmosphere  (below 19.5%)

•Presence of toxic gases in atmosphere

•When chemical “Permissible Exposure Limits” are exceeded

•In situation of suspended particulate matter (eg. Dust, Mist, Vapour, Smoke, Fumes)

•Confined space 

How to Avoid Using Respirators

•Use one or more of the following controls to reduce exposure to airborne chemicals:

• Ventilation

• Dust suppression with water

• Eliminate use of chemical

• Substitute with a less toxic chemical

• Isolate or enclose the chemical processes

• Other process changes

Selection Criteria

•Type, nature and severity of hazard

•It shall meet specification of national or international standard

•Availability, specially in case of emergency

•Maximum comfort and minimum weight, compatible with protective efficiency

•Should not effect the productivity or behave as obstacle for work

•Freedom of movement

•Facilities like, storage, maintenance, repair, testing & training

•Durability of work

•Period for which PPE is required

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